How the ‘Firefly’ Program is Lighting Up the Future of Teen Girls with Electrical Skills

Electrical work is often seen as a male-dominated field, with few women pursuing careers as electricians, technicians, or engineers. But a congregation in California is changing that perception by launching the ‘Firefly’ program, an innovative initiative that aims to teach teen girls the fundamentals of electrical work in a fun and empowering way.

The ‘Firefly’ program is a two-year project funded by a grant from Girls’ Friendly Society California, an organization affiliated with the Episcopal Church and the Anglican Communion. The program offers girls ages 14 to 17 a chance to learn the basics of electrical circuits, wiring methods, safety procedures, and hands-on experience in installing and repairing electrical devices. The program is led by Alberto Lucas, a parishioner and electrician at St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church in Hollywood, California, and his daughter Valeria Lucas, a teacher and interpreter at the church’s preschool.

The program started on Oct. 14, 2023, and will run one Saturday a month for the next two years. The enrollment is still open for girls who are interested in joining this exciting and enlightening journey. You can enroll here. The program aims to give girls the skills and confidence they need to work in a male-dominated field or to pursue other career opportunities related to electrical engineering. The program also hopes to inspire girls to develop self-reliance, problem-solving abilities, and a sense of accomplishment.

The congregation behind this remarkable program believes that learning electrical work is not only a practical skill, but also a symbolic one. By lighting up a bulb, connecting wires, and fixing a circuit, the girls are also lighting up their own paths in life, breaking down barriers and biases, and discovering their own potential. The ‘Firefly’ program is a beacon of change and empowerment for teen girls who want to explore the world of electrical work and beyond.

The ‘Firefly’ program is not only beneficial for the girls who participate in it, but also for the communities, parents, and mentors who support them. The program fosters a culture of learning, curiosity, and collaboration among people of different ages, backgrounds, and genders. The program also showcases the role of the church in promoting social justice and inclusion through education and outreach.

The ‘Firefly’ program is a shining example of how a congregation can make a difference in the lives of young people by offering them opportunities to learn new skills, express their creativity, and pursue their dreams. The program is a testament to the power of faith, passion, and innovation in creating a brighter and more equitable future for everyone.