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Omega-3 fatty acids are incredibly important for well-being. They have several powerful health benefits for your body as well as your brain. In fact, some nutrients have been studied as thoroughly as omega-3 fatty acids. Here are some of the benefits of adding Omega 3 fatty acids in your regular diet.
Fight Anxiety and Depression
Depression is one of the most common mental disorders experienced by many people in the world. Its symptoms include lethargy, sadness, and a general loss of interest in life.
Omega-3 supplements may help prevent and treat patients suffering from depression and anxiety. There are three types of Omega-3 fatty acids, ALA, DHA, and EPA. EPA is said to be the most effective supplement that fights depression.
Improve Eye Health
An omega-3 fatty acid called DHA is one of the major structural components of your eyes’ retinas. It can help in preventing macular degeneration, which can lead to vision impairment and blindness. You can also take Omega 3 6 9 capsules regularly.
Promotes Brain Health During Pregnancy and Early Life
Getting enough omega-3s during pregnancy is linked to numerous benefits for your child, including:
Better communication and social skills
Higher intelligence
Decreased risk of developmental delay
Fewer behavioral problems
Reduced risk of ADHD, autism, and cerebral palsy
Omega 3 is also known to be used in the making of breast enhancement cream.
Improve Risk Factors for Heart Disease
Omega 3 has been associated with reducing risks of various heart diseases such as blood pressure, blood clots, plaque, inflammation, good HDL cholesterol, and triglycerides.
Reduce symptoms of ADHD in Children
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a behavioral disorder that is characterized by hyperactivity, inattention, and impulsivity. Several studies say that children with this condition have low blood levels of omega-3 fatty acids.
Omega-3 supplements can lower the risk of ADHD in children. They improve attention and reduce impulsiveness, hyperactivity, restlessness, and aggression.
Can Fight Inflammation
Inflammation is the body’s natural response to infections and damage in the body. Therefore, inflammation is essential for your health. However, it sometimes stays persistent for a long time, even without an infection or injury, which is called chronic, or long-term inflammation.
Omega-3 fatty acids can reduce the production of molecules and substances associated with inflammation, such as inflammatory cytokines and eicosanoids.
Reduces Symptoms of Metabolic Syndrome
It includes central obesity that is also known as belly fat, as well as insulin resistance, high blood pressure, high triglycerides and low levels of “good” HDL cholesterol. Omega-3s can have various benefits for people with metabolic syndrome.
They can fight inflammation, reduce insulin resistance, and improve numerous heart disease risk factors.
Can Fight Autoimmune Diseases
In autoimmune diseases, the body’s immune system mistakes healthy cells for foreign cells and attacks them. Type 1 diabetes is one major example, in which the body’s immune system attacks the insulin-producing cells in the pancreas.
Omega-3s help in reducing this from taking place and also treat lupus, ulcerative colitis, rheumatoid arthritis, Crohn’s disease, and psoriasis.
Can Improve Mental Disorders
Low omega-3 levels have been shown in people with psychiatric disorders. Studies suggest that these supplements can reduce the frequency and intensity of mood swings and relapses in people with schizophrenia as well as bipolar disorder.
Supplementing your body with omega-3 fatty acids can also decrease violent behavior.
Can Fight Age-Related Mental Decline and Alzheimer’s Disease
A decline in brain function is one of the many unavoidable consequences of growing old. Several studies associate higher omega-3 intake with decreased age-related mental decline rate and a reduced risk of Alzheimer’s disease.
One review suggests that omega-3 supplements could be beneficial at disease onset when the symptoms of Alzheimer’s are very mild.