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Vegetable oils are made from a wide variety of fruits, seeds, leaves, and even flowers. Some of them are more commonly used as medicines, while others are more suitable for culinary purposes. But they all have unique beneficial properties. Let’s find out the most popular and beneficial vegetable oils.
Health Benefits Of Vegetable Oils
Here is the list of the healthiest vegetable oils.
Pumpkin Seed Oil
To obtain 1 liter of such oil, you require more than 35 pumpkins. Therefore, pumpkin seed oil has always been quite expensive. Pumpkin seeds contain a lot of vitamin E, which improves the functioning of the heart and blood vessels. It also has zinc, selenium, phospholipids, and other useful substances. When using this oil, cholesterol levels get significantly reduced.
You can use pumpkin seed to prevent atherosclerosis, hypertension, stomach ulcers, and urolithiasis. And also to strengthen the immune system, heal wounds, kidney disease, insomnia, anemia, and headaches.
Olive Oil
It is the most popular type of oil in the world. In ancient times, it was a very expensive product, which was called “liquid gold.” People described it as a symbol of strength and health, a source of magic and admiration.
In olive oil, the most valuable thing is oleic acid, which improves metabolic processes and helps to strengthen the walls of blood vessels. Olive oil is rich in omega-9 fatty acids, which help lower cholesterol and normalize blood pressure. Also, this oil helps to heal ulcers and wounds, improves digestion, and reduces the risk of tumors.
Olive oil is ideal for cooking. When heated, it practically does not form harmful compounds. Moreover, people used to drink some amount of olive oil before drinking alcohol. As it slows down the process of absorption of ethanol in the body and also helps people in quitting alcohol.
Sesame Oil
Sesame seed is one of the oldest spices in human history. For many peoples, sesame oil meant the opportunity to gain immortality. It is extremely rich in a wide variety of minerals – zinc, phosphorus, and calcium. This is why this product is so important for the elderly.
The benefits of using sesame oil include:
- Improves the condition of the thyroid gland
- Helps with gout
- Stabilize hormonal levels during pregnancy
- Normalizes blood sugar levels
- Neutralizes increased acidity
- Makes the skin more elastic
- Prevent cardiovascular and oncological diseases
- Strengthen immunity
- Improve male sexual function
Flaxseed Oil
This oil has been known since ancient times. The Egyptians widely used it in cosmetology, various pains, burns, and for relieving inflammation in the stomach. In terms of the content of omega-3 fatty acids, flaxseed oil even surpasses fish oil. The benefits of flaxseed oil are
- Improves fertility
- Helps with atherosclerosis
- Improves memory
- Prevent strokes and thrombosis.
- It lowers the level of glucose and cholesterol
- Normalizes intestinal motility
- Accelerates metabolism
- Improves the condition of the skin and hair
This is the lowest calorie oil of all vegetable oils. Therefore, it is ideal for a variety of diets. Do not use flaxseed oil for cooking because it loses most of its beneficial properties when heated.
Cedar Nut Oil
Cedar nut oil is more of a drug than a food product. It contains many valuable vitamins, as well as polyunsaturated fats and linoleic acids. These substances increase a person’s mental endurance and relieve serious stress.
It also helps in the treatment of many diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, heart ailments, ulcers, liver damage, atherosclerosis, colds. Like flaxseed oil, cedar nut oil also loses its useful components when heated. But it is ideal for dressing salads.
Grape Seed Oil
People use grape seed oil in cooking. Due to the fact that it only starts to smoke at very high temperatures, it is ideal for long frying. This oil has a clean and light taste. It is often used for extracts from spices and garlic, as well as for salad dressing.
Among the beneficial properties of grape seed oil includes:
- The stimulation of brain activity
- Strengthening of the lymphatic vessels
- Prevention of thrombosis
- Regulation of the digestive system
- Relief of climacteric syndrome
- Regenerative properties
Corn Oil
The Indians believed that corn was a gift from the gods. It came to Europe only in the 17th century. The production of corn oil on an industrial scale began only at the end of the 19th century in the United States. Now, this oil is one of the three most popular oils after olive and sunflower.
Corn oil has many health benefits. It is very high in vitamin E, lecithin, and linoleic acid. This helps to maintain youth and exceptional performance, resist bacterial infections, and regulate cholesterol metabolism in the body.
There is a lot of magnesium and potassium in the oil. These elements have a beneficial effect on the work of the heart. It helps break down solid fats, reduces asthma symptoms, and headaches. Corn oil resists oxidation and is good for frying.
Avocado Oil
Early people used avocados in medicine for a long time to treat sunburn and to care for the skin. Avocado oil contains a lot of polyunsaturated fatty acids, as well as sterols and vitamins A, E.
Thanks to this; the oil effectively helps to fight wrinkles and skin aging, as well as dermatitis, eczema, bleeding gums. It is useful for the proper regulation of metabolism, in the treatment of diseased joints and infertility.
Sunflower Oil
Cold-pressed unrefined sunflower oil is as beneficial as many other vegetable oils. This oil:
- Regulates the balance of hormones
- Lowers cholesterol levels
- Supports immunity
- Calms the nervous system
- Restores strength in case of anemia
- Helps cells regenerate
Summing Up
Each vegetable oil is useful in its own way. For a balanced diet, they need to be included in the diet little by little. Make sure you get it from natural sources that are free from chemicals.